Are college student “ADDICTED” to social media?

By Kelsey Correia

A new study shows that college students describe their need for social media like a drug addicted talks about their need for drugs.  Some of the descriptions are withdrawals, cravings, anxiety, antsy, jittery and crazy if they are away from social media tools for too long.  The study conducted by University of Maryland researchers proves that students are reluctant to be without social media.  One student says “I clearly am addicted and the dependency is sickening,”

How was their study conducted?  Two hundred students at the University of Maryland College Park campus were asked to remove social media from their lives for 24 hours.  After this time elapsed, the students were asked to privately blog about their experience with no social media.  In the blog they were asked to mention where their strengths and weakness were.

Susan D. Moeller, a professor at the University, stated that “We were surprised by how many student admitted that they were ‘incredibly addicted’ to media,”  She also added “But we noticed that what they wrote at length about was how they hated losing their personal connections.  Going without media meant, in their world, going without their friends and family.”  After looking through all the blogs posted by these students, she concluded that students were not addicted to the social media but they were addicted to the connection that they had through these social sites.

One student said “Texting and IM-ing my friends gives me a constant feeling of comfort,” also adding “When I did not have those two luxuries, I felt quite alone and secluded from my life. Although I go to a school with thousands of students, the fact that I was not able to communicate with anyone via technology was almost unbearable.”

A very low number of students reported that they watch the new on television or read about the new in a local or national newspaper on a regular basis.  A Ph.D student and a former writer at The Washington Post, Raymond McCaffrey, said that students mentioned that they felt an enormous amount of anxiety when unable to be connected to social media.  McCaffrey concluded that students who use social media care about being updated with their friends and family but they also care about world new in general.  But in a larger picture they cared more about how fast they received information and the instant gratification they had from receiving the information.

Are you addicted to social media?  When your phone dies do you get anxiety that you are missing out on what your friends or family are doing?

Time to Look Professional


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Before we all know it , seniors that is, its going to be time to get rid of the sweatpants and Uggs, or the ball shorts and Jordan slides and enter the world with a professional wardrobe. Dressing professional isn’t as easy as it sounds nor is it easy on the pockets. You have to know where to go, what to wear, and how to wear it.

Here at Lasell , we are only used to dressing up when it comes to presentations and symposium, what are you going to do when you have to dress that way Monday-Friday? Personally, I have my go-to presentation outfit that I’ve worn since maybe sophomore year to every presentation, with a few alterations. Ridiculous yes, but real. Good quality business attire tends to be pricey but if you find the right places where to shop you’ll be in perfect style.

Go through your closet and see what you really need, so you’re not shopping for items you may already have- such as blouses that can go great under a blazer, or button ups that will go great with a jacket. Plan out a color scheme, make sure that what you have and  what you get  coincide with each other so you don’t have to buy so much. When you know exactly what you need, then go to a store. Being on a slim budget myself, I would recommend you stay away from the high end department stores and try out stores like Filenes Basement, H&M, TJ Maxx, or Marshalls. You’ll get quality business attire for a decent price.

Knowing how to mix and match is the way to get far with your limited business attire.

Dressing in professional outfits is something we all have to do eventually. Remember to do it right, if you think its inappropriate it probably is. Stay within your budget, don’t spend to much when you don’t have to. Make the most out of what you have, mix and match. Have confidence in yourself, and go out into the work field to make it big.

Need A Break From The Fine Dining of Valentine Hall?

By Rebecca Gooch

Lasell College has one main dining hall students attend for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Valentine Hall is a place you will always see someone you know when you walk in as it is Lasell’s most accessible dining service. Lasell does continue to make efforts to expand their food selection which personally, I have noticed. However, sometimes venturing out into the community of Newton to local restaurants is a refreshing treat.

Only minutes away from Moody Street, Newton Center, and West Newton, Lasell College is in a perfect location for students to walk or drive to restaurants if Valentine Hall is not catering to their needs. In walking distance, just over a mile away is Bruegger’s, Bocca Bella Café & Bistro, and Tom’s Pizza. These are all affordable, good quality restaurants students should give a try.

Located in the Star Market plaza is Bruegger’s, which is great for breakfast but also makes great Panini sandwiches if you’re looking for lunch. Bocca Bella Café & Bistro is the priciest out of these three but is an excellent Italian restaurant for lunch or dinner. Just across the street is Tom’s Pizza, your classic pizzeria. Whether you are looking for a slice of pizza, a box to split with friends, or a sub, Tom’s has you covered and always provides quick and quality service.

Students with cars who have the option to venture a little further should explore Heidi’s on Moody Street, Tango Mango in Newton Center, or Comella’s in West Newton. All three of these restaurants will give you generous portions for unbeatable prices. Heidi’s is the perfect late night diner. Tango Mango may have the best burritos around, always hand rolled before you with the freshest ingredients. And then Comella’s, famous for their “messes,” is cheap and always serves generous portion sizes.

Lasell College is located minutes away from all six restaurants whether you walk or drive. Please expand your horizon and dine at these unique local restaurants!